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Quick Reference for Entries

Welcome to Supreme Dance Experience, we cannot wait to see you on stage in 2024!

Title Contender - You may nominate one or several of your routines as a 'Title Contender' routine, this routine will be judged in its own section, as well as separately against all other Title Contender routines as the competition progresses. At the end of the age group, the judge will select the top Title Contender routines to dance again in the 'Title Battle' where they will receive live judges feedback on stage and have a shot at the Supreme Title!

Open Section - You cannot repeat a dance in this section, this section is for routines we don't have sections for OR if you have two routines of the same style (e.g. you have two 

ONE Dancer per entry form please - this makes it easier when we create the programs for you

Be careful when entering the DANCERS NAME on the rego form - this is the name that will appear in the program.

Rego Admin FeeThis is compulsory for each dancer and covers all viewing, digital program production and delivery, public liability insurance. Please note this fee is non-refundable for such instances as "change of mind", "conflict of other events on at the time", "no show" etc - Injuries we can accommodate with transfers to other events

Program - Free digital download

Music - Free through our website, you will receive an email when music uploads are open for your event. 

Judges Audio Feedback - These will be pl
aced in a dropbox folder and emailed to you. 

Cancellation & Refund Policy
Please note, Supreme events are prepare months in advance, your entries into our events before we run them are invested into an entire year of tour which may include - Prizes, Non refundable venue deposits, Staff Travel and Accommodation, Flooring, Judges and their travel, Fixtures, Administration etc. 

  • No refunds are given for change of mind, other commitments, or a clash with another competition. 

  • If a dancer becomes injured, an event transfer will become available, or a credit for the following year will apply, medical proof will be required.

Venue Info

Guilford Young College
76 Bowden St, Glenorchy TAS 7010

Event Info

Draft Program will be released closer to the event!

Music will be available to upload approximately one week prior to the event!

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